국제관계대학원 소개
Sookmyung GSIS was established to cultivate specialists in the fields of Cross-cultural Communication, International PR, International Organizations, Non-governmental Organizations and Human Security ,Sports Diplomacy, Management of Culture with a vision of globalization and world's peace in the 21st century.
국제홍보및공공외교전공 소개
The course explores the world of cross-cultural and cross-border public relations that is increasingly becoming the central area of public relations in this age of globalization. Various theories on communications as well as public relations are studied from an international perspective. Also this course is supposed to train specialists who works for public diplomacy. Building and maintaining mutually beneficial relations with foreign publics are the key concepts. Practical applications of public relations are also studied together with relevant cases at home and abroad. Special attention is given to diverse fields of today ’ s public relations ranging from community relations to investor relations. Crisis management and other current publiThe course explores the world of cross-cultural and cross-border public relations that is increasingly becoming the central area of public relations in this age of globalization. Various theories on communications as well as public relations are studied from an international perspective. Also this course is supposed to train specialists who works for public diplomacy. Building and maintaining mutually beneficial relations with foreign publics are the key concepts. Practical applications of public relations are also studied together with relevant cases at home and abroad. Special attention is given to diverse fields of today ’ s public relations ranging from community relations to investor relations. Crisis management and other current public relations issues are also covered with heavy emphasis on their practical application. The course attempts to bridge the academic and practical worlds of public relations .
글로벌안보협력전공 소개
This course explores the institutional structures, political processes, and impact of international organizations within the larger context of world politics. International organizations, both governmental and nongovernmental, play an increasingly prominent role in efforts to resolve a wide range of global problems. While the course will cover the traditional problems - international security, the global distribution of wealth, and threats to social welfare - particular attention will be given to international ecological problems. Because of its scope and importance in these areas, the activities and influence of the United Nations System and INGO activities are given special emphasis in the course.
프랑스문화매니지먼트전공 소개
산업혁명이후 20 세기까지 기술 , 지성 , 과학 , 효율성 , 물질주의가 중요시 되었다면 , 21 세기는 ' 감성 ' 과 느낌에 호소하는 문화의 세기이다 . 즉 , 잘 전달된 이야기가 강력한 힘을 갖는 storytelling 과 이에 따른 문화컨텐츠 , 문화산업 , fun 과 휴양의 레저 , 그리고 뿌리로 돌아가 과거와 정체성을 재발견하려는 관광 등이 중요시 되고 있다 .
숙명여대 국제관계대학원은 이러한 시대의 요구에 부응하기 위하여 , 인류의 가치를 반영하는 문화 분야를 관리할 수 있는 전문 인력을 양성하고자 문화 분야 프랑스 최고의 대학인 Paris Dauphine 대학과 교류 협정을 맺어 문화매니지먼트 전공을 신설하게 되었다 .
프랑스 문화 매니지먼트 과정은 주한 프랑스대사관의 전폭적인 지원으로 Paris Dauphine 대학에서 매년 3 명의 실무 전문가이자 교수들이 숙명여대 국제관계대학원에 초청되어 강의를 하게 된다 . ( 불어수업은 순차통역으로 진행 )
또한 불어성적 우수자 (DALF 이상 ) 는 인터뷰를 통한 선발 과정을 거쳐 , 매년 4 명까지 Dauphine 대학의 입학자격을 얻을 수 있고 , 그 경우 프랑스 현지 문화 기관에서의 인턴 과정을 수행할 수 있는 특전을 갖게 된다 . 본 과정은 문화 분야 관리에 대한 지식을 얻고 차후에 이 분야에서 일 할 학생들과 , 기존의 문화기관에서 근무하는 직장인들을 위해서 개설되었다 .
◎ 프랑스 Paris Dauphine 대학 문화매니지먼트 Master Ⅱ 과정과 교과목을 동일하게 운영함 .
기후환경융합 전공 소개
Convergence of Climate &Environmental Studies intends to introduce the interdisciplinary approaches in climate change and environment studies to the enrolled students in the fields of Earth science, geophysics, climatology, ecology, industrial engineering, energy resources, economics, law, public policy, international negotiation, statistics. The environmental issues includes ocal pollution, transboundary pollution and global environmental issues, for example climate change and sustainable development. In the master program active participation of the students are encouraged in the capacity building program of national greenhouse gases, energy and greenhouse gas projection modeling and greenhouse mitigation modeling, and cost-benefit analysis and financing the energy project or greenhouse mitigation reduction projects. The subjects taught in the classroom cover not only the relevant theories and methodological approaches but also case studies and practices implemented in the real life. These knowledge and experiences would be of great asset for the students with master degree to work in international climate change related organizations such as government research institutions financial institutions, private companies in Korea and World and regional development bank, Green Climate Fund (GCF), Global Environment Facility (GEF), UN-ESCAP, for example.
국제관계대학원 교수진 소개
이름 | 전화번호 | 이메일 | 위치 |
박은진 | 02-2077-7765 | ejpark@sm.ac.kr | 새힘관 514 |
이병종 | 02-2077-7727 | bjlee@sm.ac.kr | 수련교수회관 505 |
유승직 | 02-2077-7083 | sjyoo@sm.ac.kr | 수련교수회관 407 |
최동주 | 02-6315-3111 | djchoi@sm.ac.kr | 국제 4 관 106 |
이민룡 | 02-2077-7695 | minyong33@hanmail.net | 수련교수회관 512 |
김진무 | jmkim0778@kida.re.kr | ||
제프리본 | jeffrey.bohn@edgecomms.net | ||
이한희 | hanhee7@sookmyung.ac.kr | 국제 4 관 103 |
국제관계대학원 조교사무실 소개
사무실 | 전화번호 | 이메일 | 위치 |
국제관계대학원 ( 통합 ) | 02-6325-3121/3122 | gsis@sookmyung.ac.kr | 수련교수회관 205 호 |
기후환경융합전공 | 02-2077-7664 | climate@sookmyung.ac.kr | 수련교수회관 204 호 |
프랑스 문화매니지먼트 | 02-2077-7005 | mfc@sookmyung.ac.kr | 새힘관 202 호 |